Solutions for your industry

Dried herb preparations are used as active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), as flavoring agents and dyes in foodstuffs, for the enhancement of human physiological functions in food supplements, functional foods, and as zootechnical additives in animal nutrition, as well as in many other applications. All of these products must meet specific technical requirements for their plant-derived ingredients and the methods used to extract and test them, based on their intended use. They are also subject to product-specific regulatory standards. They all share the complexity of plant-based matrices and require specialized know-how in order to successfully tackle the technical, scientific, and regulatory challenges. At PhytoLab, we have been successfully providing sector- and product-specific solutions to our customers for decades.

Animal nutrition

EU regulations on animal nutrition are no less comprehensive or strict than those for food for human consumption. There are many similarities in these two sectors in terms of residues and contaminants relevant to quality and safety. Zootechnical additives are increasingly being extracted from plants that are also used in phytopharmaceuticals, herbal and fruit infusions or spices. As a result, a growing number of customers from the animal nutrition industry are also relying on PhytoLab's expertise in testing and evaluating the quality and safety of herbal preparations.